Monday, January 28, 2008

Wow.. Rawr updated with cat support.

Now Rawr is the only program you need for Bear/Cat gear optimization. I think it even supports automatically polling your own Armory profile to make it easier to tell it what you're currently wearing.

Friday, January 25, 2008

New Update!! I know, I'm 4 months late.....

First off... an apology for my absence. I actually didn't play Wow for a long period between November 07 and January 08... I went on a month-long vacation, and had a lot of work I had to do in preparation for my long absence (as well as a lot of work I had to do after I got back). Any free time I had was spent managing my guild... which left this blog untouched.

Anyways, back on topic...I have some things to post about.. mostly druid mechanics type stuff...

In summary I'll explain : 1) How to get a double mangle rip (Instead of Mangle giving a 1.3x multiplier on your Rip, you can get a 1.3*1.3*Rip dmg, or 1.7x multiplier on your rip!!). 2) Update on gear rankings. 3) How to min/max your DPS gear.

1) I won't take credit for this, as it's been gone over in the Feral Druid Megathread on Elitist Jerks (although, this thread is up 62 pages long, so coming here for a concise summary on the cool things is pretty smart):

The trick is to apply rip in the last second of the old mangle, then reapply mangle before the frist rip tick. This is very possible as rip ticks every 2 seconds, and cat form has a 1 second gcd.

The entire rip is then affected by both the old mangle and the new mangle.

N.B. You can reapply mangle later and all subsequent rip/lacerate ticks will be affected, but since the main use of this trick is to boost your dps, the best option is to use it as soon as possible.

So I hope that was clear enough... what this causes is your Rip gets double the mangle effect, b/c of the order in which the game is calculating the mangle effects. When you apply your rip at the last second of your mangle, the game has queued a +30% bonus dmg to your rip... Then your mangle falls off, but the rip is already queued to do 130% dmg. Then when you reapply mangle before the 1st tick, the game is mistakingly recalculating it again, and in essence queueing in another 130% dmg modifier to your rip. So when your rip finally ticks, it'll tick for 169% dmg!

This is why if you look at say, this log of me:

You can see a rip tick of 1059!! (Just look at the rip tick.. ignore the fact that I was doing really crappy dps.. I was too busy trying to practice getting double mangle rips down).

2) Gear rankings... Emmerald is a popular gear ranking thing... and I don't think most people know he moved the address of his gear rankings. The new address is:

But... the reality of the situation is that gear rankings are actually VARIABLE based on what you're currently wearing... which means that a static gear ranking like Emmerald's isn't completely accurate. Which leads me to point #3...

3) Min/maxing your gear. There are 2 neat little programs out there for this purpose.

Rawr is for tanking.
You input your current gear (it can even look it up automatically on Armory), then calculates your best upgrades.

Toskk's Gear Lister is great for Cat DPS.
You input your Cat AP + Crit + Hit

Actually... a better offline resource might be this:
It's an Excel spreadsheet which has all the relevant information there. You just plug in your numbers/gear and it'll automatically search for gear upgrades + give suggestions, and mathematically show you how certain gear upgrades would affect your dps.

Anyways, I hope this post has been informative. As for me and my guild, if you're really curious, you can look us up @

We're currently recruiting a good resto shaman if you know one ;)