Friday, September 7, 2007

My WoW blog

Hi, I thought I decided I'd start to write a blog about WoW, since it is taking up such a large chunk of my free time these days.

I guess I have to start with my qualifications... I mean, I think it'd be nice for people who read my blog to get a little perspective on where I'm coming from.

Who I am in WoW:
Currently, I play a level 70 Feral Druid named Killerets. I am a guild master for a US guild called Mediocrity on one of the more popular server, Blackrock. We are a fairly progressed end-game raiding guild, who currently, as of Sept 7, 2007, have killed 4 of the 1st 9 bosses in Black Temple, and have completely cleared the CoT: Hyjal Summit instance.

I have a level 70 alt-priest named Heal, who is currently Holy Spec'd for Arena.

My WoW History:
WoW is my 2nd MMORPG, my 1st being Dark Age of Camelot. I originally joined WoW from the idea that me and my friends from Dark Age of Camelot would run the ultimate 5-man group gank squad. This did not work in WoW... the PvP system just wasn't there, and there was no incentive to do any sort of world PvP whatsoever. We were power-gamers, so we were amongst the 1st to hit 60 on our server (Blackrock, which at the time was the most populous server out there, even more so than Archimonde and such). Most of the guilds at this time, were only around 10-20 people, and were completely unprepared for the 40 man raids WoW required. Our small little 5-10man PvP guild eventually merged with 4-5 other small guilds at the time to form Mediocrity. We got server firsts in MC before I ultimately quit the game due to boredom and lack of a PvP system.

Fast forward 12 months, some friends convinced me to come back to play casually, which turned out to be very very bad >:) I ended up getting addicted again, rejoined my old guild, Mediocrity, and somehow worked my way up from 7th druid on the bench begging for a spot in BWL, to... 1st druid officer by the time we hit Naxxramas?

Eventually, my analytical approach to helping run the guild won out, and the guild leader title was passed to me upon the release of Burning Crusade, where I've now helped lead this guild to
some decent progression (according to, we are the 314th most progressed guild in the world, out of 35,000 guilds, and 142th place in the US:

What I intend to do with this blog:

Well, I like to rant about a lot of topics. I obviously have a lot of things to talk about. What you'll see are posts about... how to run a guild, tips on running a guild successfully, dealing with drama in the guild, feral druid theorycrafting, druid in arena strategies, general tips on playing a druid in the end game, resources I use to learn about the game, etc.

I am very open to suggestions on articles you think I can enlighten people on. I hope I end up writing for more than just myself!

I love helping people in this game, I don't know why. It actually hurts my sleeping schedule when someone msgs me about Druid advice before I goto sleep, b/c I helping them for hours at the expense of sleeping on time!

I used to be an active poster here:
(you might need to register in order to see my post history), where I used to give a lot of feral druid advice, but I think a blog might be more appropriate so I can pick the topics to post on.

About me outside of WoW:

I'm an engineer in California. I work very efficiently, so I get some time to blog at work without impacting my work output :)

1 comment:

Hordeluver said...

Your articles are great. I'm more of a pvp druid, but i'm getting so bored of the idea of not progressing through anything. I want to PvE again, i just don't think i have time to catch up.